Archaeology . Anthropology . Environmental Design .
Selected Projects
Cultural Heritage Management Plan with Binjareb Noongar People, Yalgorup National Park and Surroundings, WA, 2023
Social Surroundings assessments with Banjima People, Hope Downs 2, Pilbara, WA, 2022
Social Surroundings assessments with Yinhawangka People, West Angelas and Greater Paraburdoo, Pilbara, WA, 2021
Recording women’s knowledge, Yued Country, WA, 2021
Heritage surveys with Yued People, Toodyay, Dandaragan and Cataby, WA, 2021
Archaeological survey for Pardoo Beef with Ngarra People, Pardoo, WA, 2020
Archaeological survey with Yindjibarndi People, Millstream Station, Pilbara, WA, 2020
Ethnobotanical survey with Yinhawangka People, West Angelas, Pilbara, WA, 2019
Tamala Park consultations and interpretation signage with Whadjuk People, Joondalup, WA, 2018-2019
Manning Buildings historic building assessment and excavations, Fremantle, WA, 2018-2019
Heritage assessment for optic fibre installation, various locations in Karratha, Perth, Mandurah, Albany, WA, 2015, 2016 , 2017
Wellington Square heritage monitoring, with Whadjuk People, Perth, WA, 2017
Archaeological heritage assessments for highway upgrades, with Balangara People, east Kimberley, WA, 2017
Sunset Hospital historic site excavations, Nedlands, WA, 2017
Murdoch University heritage monitoring with Whadjuk People, Perth, WA, 2017
Site recording and excavations, various mining projects, Ngadju Native Title Determination Area, WA, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Fiona Stanley interactive cultural display, Whadjuk and Swan River Peoples, Murdoch, WA, 2014-2015
Heritage Information submissions and applications under Section 18 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, Albany, WA, Menang People, 2014-2015
Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area rock art site recording and excavations, Western Desert, WA, 2014
Heritage assessments, mineral exploration, Yued claim area, Jurien Bay to Cataby, WA, 2013-2020
Cultural heritage management plan, Murdoch University campus, with Whadjuk People, Perth, WA, 2013-2014
Heritage assessments, mineral exploration, Hyden, WA, 2013
Archaeological heritage assessments for oil and gas drilling, with Nyikina-Mangala People, west Kimberley, WA, 2013
Archaeological heritage assessments, West Angelas area, with Yinhawangka People, Pilbara, WA, 2011
Ethno-botanical studies of grinding stone locations, West Angelas, with Yinhawangka People, Pilbara, WA, 2011
Archaeological heritage assessment, Westnet Rail upgrades, Morawa-Geraldton, WA, 2011
Archaeological heritage assessments, Perth Airport infrastructure upgrades, with Swan River Peoples, WA, 2009, 2010, 2011
Desktop assessment of heritage site restrictions to development on compulsory purchases, Peel region, WA, 2010
Heritage assessments, Point Grey development, with Binjareb and Gnaala Karla Boodja Peoples, 2009
Archaeological heritage assessment, including surveys and excavations, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Swan River and Whadjuk Peoples, WA, 2008-2009
Heritage assessments and management plan, Peel-Harvey estuary, with Binjareb Peoples, WA, 2006-2008
Heritage assessments, Heath Ledger Performing Arts Venue, Perth, with Swan River and Whadjuk Peoples, WA, 2007
Analysis and assessment of Kybra rock art site, with Wadandi-Bibbulmun People, south-west WA, 2006
Project management on megafauna excavations based at the University of Sydney, Vic, 2002-2005
Archaeological and historical heritage assessment, City of Perth foreshore redevelopment, WA, 2000-2001
Prior to 2000, Joe Dortch and Dirima Cuthbert managed or supported c.50 heritage projects, including:
Various heritage assessments across south-west WA with Wadandi and Bibbulmun Nyoongar, clients including CALM (now DPaWS), WA; WA Water Corporation; GeoCatch; Shire of Augusta-Margaret River; and Optus, through 1997-2001
Archaeological heritage assessment of seismic exploration lines, Yamatji Peoples, Carnarvon and Murchison Basins, WA, 1994-1995, 1999
Archaeological heritage assessment Kununurra-Wyndham powerline with Barber & Associates, east Kimberley, WA, 1993
Southern Forests heritage assessments for Australian Heritage Council, with Wadandi-Bibbulmun Peoples, WA, 1992
Ngadju Traditional Owner Colleen Smith excavating a stone quarry in the Goldfields.